After trying the Peloton app, let's talk about the magical power of "Hey, Peloton" for this Runner...
Watching advertising with the sound down is an interesting exercise in clarity of message. Does Domino's new Noid ad make its message clear?
Congratulations to our client, theMITH himself, Chuck Mindenhall, for rolling out his new site—
Here's a review of the 2013 book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, by Jonah Berger. It's is a quick, fun read about the nature of why some things go viral and some things don't.
Logo design is about who you are as a company, yes, but now it's become a roadmap for your customers. Simplifying to a one color logo design may give your app icon increased recognizability.
Hello! Welcome to Loodon’s brand new, freshly redesigned website! The hardest thing for any designer to do is to design for themselves, but we finally carved out some time to do it. We hope you take a second to explore our offerings and please contact us if you have questions about what we can do […]